Games Played
- Played in a session of Mutant Year Zero run by Rob. I am playing an Enforcer named Lug who is basically the perfect bruiser. I didn't get a chance to use my abilities in our game though, as we talked with a matriarchal-ish group, then returned to the ark to discuss options for dealing with the new group.
- September issue of White Dwarf. Who doesn't want new stuff to read?
- Nothing, unfortunately.
- Finished No Quarter Prime #6. The last issue ever! It was really interesting to read all of that information about the Crucible Guard, however. Very much work it if you are interested in the faction at all.
- Read the rules to Blitz Bowl. I tried teaching Blood Bowl to my brother some time ago, and he complained the game was too complicated (as if!). I figure this would be a good one to look into, in order to see if it's simpler, but still keeping the flavor. It seems like it will do a really good job, so I borrowed a rulebook to check it out. Something I may get in the near future.
- Started the Stormcast Eternals Battletome. When Age of Sigmar 2.0 came out, I grabbed this, figuring I'd see some details of one of the factions in the game. Still a lot to read here, but VERY interesting so far.