Bilbo Baggins
Unique Baggins Hero
0 Threat
1 Willpower
1 Attack
1 Defense
3 Hit Points
Hobbit. Burglar.
Bilbo Baggins does not count against the hero limit and cannot gain resources from non-treasure cards. The first player gains control of Bilbo Baggins.
Action: Spend 1 Baggins resource to search your deck for a treasure card and add it to your hand.
If Bilbo Baggins leaves play, the players have lost the game.
Unique Leadership Hero
9 Threat
2 Willpower
1 Attack
2 Defense
4 Hit Points
Response: Pay 1 resource from Balin's resource pool to cancel a shadow effect just triggered during an attack. Then, deal the attacking enemy another shadow card (Limit once per attack).
Bard the Bowman
Unique Tactics Hero
11 Threat
2 Willpower
3 Attack
2 Defense
4 Hit Points.
Esgaroth. Warrior.
When Bard the Bowman makes a ranged attack, the enemy he attacks gets -2 Defense until the end of the phase.
Unique Spirit Hero
8 Threat
2 Willpower
1 Attack
1 Defense
4 Hit Points
While you control at least 5 Dwarf characters, Oin gets +1 Attack and gains the Tactics resource icon.
Unique Lore Hero
8 Threat
0 Willpower
1 Attack
2 Defense
5 Hit Points
When counting the number of Dwarf characters you control, Bombur counts as two.
Unique Leadership Ally
3 Cost
2 Willpower
1 Attack
1 Defense
3 Hit Points
While you control at least 5 Dwarf characters, Gloin gains: "Response: After you play Gloin from your hand, choose a hero. Add 2 resources to that hero's resource pool."
Unique Lore Ally
3 Cost
1 Willpower
2 Attack
1 Defense
3 Hit Points
While you control at least 5 Dwarf characters, Bifur gains: "Response: After you play Bifur from your hand, draw 2 cards".
Unique Spirit Ally
3 Cost
1 Willpower
1 Attack
2 Defense
3 Hit Points
While you control at least 5 Dwarf characters, lower the cost to play Dwalin by 2.
Straight Shot
Tactics Event
0 Cost
Action: Exhaust a Weapon attachment to choose a non-unique enemy with 0 Defense. Discard the chosen enemy.
Desperate Alliance
Spirit Event
0 Cost
Action: Choose a hero you control. Until the end of the phase, give control of that hero and all resources in that hero's resource pool to another player (Limit 1 per phase).
Ravens Of The Mountain
Lore Event
1 Cost
Action: Exhaust a hero you control to shuffle the encounter deck and reveal its top card. Place progress tokens on the current quest equal to the revealed card's Threat. Then, put that card back on the top of the encounter deck.
To Me! O My Kinsfolk!
Leadership Event
1 Cost
Action: If you control at least 1 Dwarf hero, put a Dwarf ally from your discard pile into play under your control. Put that ally on the bottom of your deck at the end of the phase.
The Lucky Number
Baggins Event
1 Cost
Action: Choose a character in play (other than Bilbo Baggins). Add Bilbo Baggins' total Willpower, Attack, and Defense to that character's Willpower, Attack, and Defense respectively until the end of the phase.
Great Yew Bow
Tactics Attachment
2 Cost
Item. Weapon
Attach to a hero with the printed Ranged keyword. Restricted.
Combat Action: Choose an enemy in the staging area. Exhaust Great Yew Bow and attached hero to make a ranged attack against that enemy. Declare attached hero as the attacker. No other attackers can be declared for this attack.
Black Arrow
Unique Tactics Attachment
0 Cost
Artifact. Item.
Limit 1 per deck. Attach to a hero with Ranged.
Response: After attached hero declares an attack, add Black Arrow to the victory display to give attached hero +5 Attack for this attack.
Victory 1.
Thror's Key
Unique Spirit Attachment
1 Cost
Artifact. Item
Attach to a hero.
Response: After a location is added to the staging area, attach Thror's Key to that location. While attached to a location, Thror's Key gains: "Treat attached location's printed text box as blank, except for traits"
Expert Treasure-Hunter
Lore Attachment
0 Cost
Attach to a hero.
Response: After attached hero quests successfully, name a card type and discard the top card of your deck. If the discarded card is the named type, take it into your hand.
King Under the Mountain
Unique Leadership Attachment
2 Cost
Attach to a Dwarf hero.
Action: Exhaust King Under the Mountain to look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 to your hand and discard the other.
Bilbo's Magic Ring
Unique Treasure (Flies and Spiders)
0 Cost
Artifact. Item. Ring.
Attach to Bilbo Baggins.
Actions: Exhaust Bilbo's Magic Ring and raise your threat by 1 to gain a Baggins resource (Limit once per round).
Response: After Bilbo Baggins exhausts to defend an attack, exhaust Bilbo's Magic Ring and raise your threat by 3 to cancel all damage from this attack.
The Arkenstone
Unique Treasure (The Lonely Mountain)
0 Cost
Artifact. Erebor. Item.
Attach to a hero.
Action: Exhaust The Arkenstone and raise your threat by X to lower by X the cost of the next ally you play this phase that matches the attached hero's sphere.
Mithril Shirt
Unique Treasure (The Lonely Mountain)
0 Cost
Artifact. Erebor. Item.
Attach to Bilbo Baggins.
Attached hero gets +1 Defense and +1 Hit Point.
Thror's Battle Axe
Unique Treasure (The Lonely Mountain)
0 Cost
Artifact. Erebor. Item.
Attach to a hero. Restricted.
Attached hero gets +2 Attack.
Response: After attached hero attacks and destroys an enemy, deal 1 damage to another enemy engaged with you.
Thror's Hunting Bow
Unique Treasure (The Lonely Mountain)
0 Cost
Artifact. Erebor. Item
Attach to a hero. Restricted.
Attached hero gains Ranged.
When making a ranged attack, attached hero gets +2 Attack.
Thror's Golden Cup
Unique Treasure (The Lonely Mountain)
0 Cost
Artifact. Erebor. Item
Attach to a hero.
Action: Add Thror's Golden Cup to the victory display to draw 3 cards.
Victory 3.
***Encounter Cards***
The Spider's Glade
Encounter Set: Flies and Spiders
Unique Location
1 Threat
9 Quest Points
Immune to player card effects.
Travel: Exhaust Bilbo Baggins to travel here.
Forced: At the start of each quest phase, search the encounter deck for 1 Spider enemy and add it to the staging area. (2 Spider enemies instead if 3 or more players are at this stage.) Shuffle the encounter deck.
Giant Web
Encounter Set: Flies and Spiders
3 Threat
3 Quest Points
While Giant Web is the active location, each character gets -1 Willpower, -1 Attack, and -1 Defense for each poison it has.
Response: After Giant Web leaves play as an explored location, ready an unconscious character.
Forest Stream
Encounter Set: Flies and Spiders
2 Threat
4 Quest Points
Forest. River.
While Forest Stream is the active location, poisoned characters cannot quest.
Response: After Forest Stream leaves play as an explore location, discard 4 poison.
Old Tomnoddy
Encounter Set: Flies and Spiders
37 Engagement Cost
3 Threat
5 Attack
2 Defense
4 Hit Points
Creature. Spider.
Forced: At the end of each round, each player must give a hero he controls 1 poison.
Crazy Cob
Encounter Set: Flies and Spiders
30 Engagement Cost
2 Threat
3 Attack
2 Defense
2 Hit Points
Creature. Spider
When Revealed: This enemy attacks the character with the most poison attached.
Shadow: Defending character gets 1 poison.
Lazy Lob
Encounter Set: Flies and Spiders
33 Engagement Cost
3 Threat
3 Attack
0 Defense
3 Hit Points
Creature. Spider.
When Revealed: Each character committed to the quest gets 1 poison.
Shadow: If defending character is poisoned, make that character unconscious.
Fat Spider
Encounter Set: Flies and Spiders
28 Engagement Cost
2 Threat
1 Attack
1 Defense
6 Hit Points
Creature. Spider.
This enemy gets +3 Attack while engaged with a player who controls at least 1 poisoned character.
Shadow: Defending character gets 1 poison. (Give 2 poison to a character you control if undefended.)
Wicked Spider
Encounter Set: Flies and Spiders
25 Engagement Cost
1 Threat
4 Attack
1 Defense
3 Hit Points
Creature. Spider.
Forced: When this enemy attacks, defending player must attach 1 poison to a character he controls.
Shadow: Defending character gets 2 poison.
Caught In Webs
Encounter Set: Flies and Spiders
When Revealed: Choose a hero to be removed from the quest and make that hero unconscious. If no hero was removed from the quest by this effect, this card gains surge.
Poisoned By Spiders
Encounter Set: Flies and Spiders
When Revealed: Each character takes damage equal to the number of poison it has. If no characters were damaged by this effect, this card gains surge.
Shadow: Discard an unconscious character you control.
Hidden Path
Encounter Set: Wilderland
3 Threat
1 Quest Point
Forest. Mountain.
While Hidden Path is the active location, locations in the staging area get -1 Threat
Travel: Spend 2 Baggins resources to travel here.
Dark Bats
Encounter Set: Wilderland
15 Engagement Cost
2 Threat
2 Attack
0 Defense
1 Hit Point
Forced: After Dark Bats damages a character, attach it to that character. (While attached, counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Attached character gets -1 Willpower, -1 Attack, and -1 Defense".
Shadow: Attach this card to the defending character.
Fighting Among Friends
Encounter Set: Wilderland
When Revealed: The first player names a sphere. Then, all non-Baggins characters who do not belong to named sphere are removed from the quest.
Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack (+2 Attack instead if undefended).
Weighed Down
Encounter Set: Wilderland
When Revealed: Until the end of the round, exhausted characters get -1 Willpower, -1 Attack, and -1 Defense.
Shadow: If the defending character is destroyed by this attack, its controller must raise his threat by 5.
A Bare Patch
Encounter Set: The Lonely Mountain
While attached, Smaug the Magnificent gets -3 Defense.
Response: After the players quest successfully, the first player makes a burgle attempt. If succesfful, attach a Bare Patch to Smaug the Magnificent.
Smaug the Golden
Encounter Set: The Lonely Mountain
Unique Enemy
50 Engagement Cost
X Threat
6 Attack
9 Defense
20 Hit Points
Indestructible. Immune to player card effects. Cannot be engaged.
X is the number of non-Burglar characters committed to the quest.
Forced: After the 6th progress token is placed here, the players advance to stage 4A.
Smaug the Magnificent
Encounter Set: The Lonely Mountain
Unique Enemy
50 Engagement Cost
6 Threat
8 Attack
8 Defense
20 Hit Points
Indestructible. Immune to player card effects.
Cannot leave the staging area (except by quest effects) but is considered to be engaged with the first player.
Forced: If Smaug the Magnificent is dealt a shadow card with a burgle effect, he makes an additional attack immediately after this one.
Croaking Crows
Encounter Set: The Lonely Mountain
33 Engagement Cost
1 Threat
1 Attack
1 Defense
2 Hit Points
Forced: When a location is revealed from the encounter deck, put 1 progress token on Smaug the Golden.
Burgle: The first player shuffles his deck and reveals the top card. He may discard 1 card from his hand that matches the revealed card's sphere and type.
The Lonely Mountain
Encounter Set: The Lonely Mountain
Unique Location
12 Threat
4 Quest Points
While at least 1 card is stacked underneath, The Lonely Mountain is immune to player card effects, cannot leave the staging area, and gets -2 Threat for each card stacked underneath it.
Action: While making a burgle attempt, the first player may spend 2 Baggins resources to take the revealed card into hand and reveal the next card of his deck.
Victory 10.
Great Hall
Encounter Set: The Lonely Mountain
4 Threat
4 Quest Points
While Great Hall is the active location, it gains: "Forced: Put 1 progress token on Smaug the Golden at the end of each round"
Burgle: The first player shuffles his deck and reveals the top card. He may discard 3 cards from his hand that match the revealed card's type.
Secret Entrance
Encounter Set: The Lonely Mountain
1 Threat
1 Quest Point
While Secret Entrance is the active location, The Lonely Mountain's Threat is reduced by half (round up).
Travel: The first player must exhaust a hero and name a card type to travel here. Then, reveal the top card of the encounter deck. If the revealed card is not the named type, return Secret Entrance to the staging area. (The players can not travel again this round).
Desolation of Smaug
Encounter Set: The Lonely Mountain
3 Threat
3 Quest Points
While Desolation of Smaug is the active location, the first treachery card revealed each round gains surge.
Burgle: The first player shuffles his deck and reveals the top card. He may discard 2 cards from his hand that match the revealed card's cost.
Western Slopes
Encounter Set: The Lonely Mountain
2 Threat
5 Quest Points
Response: When Western slopes leaves play as an explored location (choose one): the first player draws 2 cards, or remove 1 progress token from Smaug the Golden.
Burgle: The first player shuffles his deck and reveals the top card. He may discard 2 cards from his hand that match the revealed card's sphere.
Pretending to Sleep
Encounter Set: The Lonely Mountain
When Revealed: Put 1 progress token on Smaug the Golden. Then, spend X Baggins resources or advance to stage 4A. X is the number of progress tokens on Smaug the Golden.
Burgle: The first player shuffles his deck and reveals the top card. He may discard 2 cards from his hand that match the revealed card's type.
Known To An Ounce
Encounter Set: The Lonely Mountain
When Revealed: Each player discards 2 random cards from hand. Until the end of the phase, each Dragon enemy in plays gains +1 Threat for each event discarded by this effect.
Burgle: The first player shuffles his deck and reveals the top card. He may discard 1 card from his hand that matches the revealed card's sphere and cost.
Belching Fire
Encounter Set: The Lonely Mountain
When Revealed: Each Dragon enemy in the staging area makes an immediate attack against the player with the highest total Willpower committed to the quest. (Do not deal a shadow card for this attack).
Burgle: The first player shuffles his deck and reveals the top card. He may discard 1 card from his hand that matches the revealed card's type and cost.
Encounter Set: The Lonely Mountain
When Revealed: Attach to the hero with the most resources without Dragon-Spell attached. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Attached hero gets -1 Willpower for each resource in its resource pool"
Forced: When attached hero spends resources, attached hero takes X damage. X is equal to the number of resources spent.)
Misty Mountain Eagle
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
Objective Ally
3 Willpower
3 Attack
3 Defense
2 Hit Points
Creature. Eagle.
Action: The first player may spend 2 Baggins resources to (choose one): take control of Misty Mountain Eagle, or discard this ally to discard a non-unique enemy in the staging area.
Shadow: Deal 3 damage to attacking enemy.
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
Unique Enemy
50 Engagement Cost
X Threat
6 Attack
3 Defense
8 Hit Points
Goblin. Orc.
X is the number of players in the game.
Immune to player card effects.
Cannot leave the staging area.
The first Goblin revealed each round gains surge.
Bodyguard of Bolg
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
35 Engagement Cost
2 Threat
4 Attack
2 Defense
5 Hit Points
Goblin. Orc.
Bolg cannot take damage.
Forced: When this enemy attacks, deal it an additional shadow card for each quest stage in play with no progress tokens on it.
Gundabad Wolf Rider
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
15 Engagement Cost
1 Threat
3 Attack
0 Defense
3 Hit Points
Goblin. Orc.
Forced: When this enemy attacks, remove 1 progress token from the current quest.
Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack for each quest stage in play with no progress on it.
Gundabad Climber
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
33 Engagement Cost
1 Threat
2 Attack
2 Defense
2 Hit Points
Goblin. Orc.
When Revealed: Remove 1 progress from every quest stage in play. (2 progress instead if 3 or more players in the game.)
Vanguard of Bolg
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
20 Engagement Cost
1 Threat
1 Attack
1 Defense
4 Hit Points
Goblin. Orc.
This enemy gets +1 Threat, +1 Attack, and +1 Defense for each quest stage in play with no progress on it.
Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, remove all progress from the current quest.
Gundabad Archer
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
40 Engagement Cost
2 Threat
2 Attack
1 Defense
3 Hit Points
Goblin. Orc.
When Revealed: Each player must deal 2 damage to a character he controls.
Shadow: Deal 1 damage to defending character for each quest stage in play with no progress on it.
Ravenous Warg
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
30 Engagement Cost
2 Threat
3 Attack
1 Defense
3 Hit Points
Forced: When Ravenous Wargs attacks, the defending player must declare the character he controls with the most damage as the defender. (Even if exhausted).
Shadow: Defending character gets -1 Defense for each quest stage in play with no progress on it.
Northern Slopes
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
3 Threat
3 Quest Points
While Northern Slopes is in the staging area, each Goblin enemy gets +1 Attack and +1 Defense.
While Northern Slopes is the active location, it gains: "Forced: When a character leaves play, remove 1 progress from the current quest, if able"
Ruins of Dale
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
Unique Location
2 Threat
2 Quest Points
Ruins. Valley.
Immune to player card effects.
Forced: Remove 2 progress tokens from stage 3B at the end of each round, if able.
Travel: Spend 3 Baggins resources to travel here (1 Baggins resource instead if stage 3B is the current quest).
Victory 3
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
Unique Location
2 Threat
2 Quest Points
Ruins. Mountain.
Immune to player card effects.
Forced: Remove 2 progress tokens from stage 4B at the end of each round, if able.
Travel: Spend 3 Baggins resources to travel here (1 Baggins resource instead if stage 4B is the current quest).
Victory 3.
The Front Gate
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
Unique Location
2 Threat
2 Quest Points
Ruins. Mountain.
Immune to player card effects.
Forced: Remove 2 progress tokens from stage 2B at the end of each round, if able.
Travel: Spend 3 Baggins resources to travel here (1 Baggins resource instead if stage 2B is the current quest).
Victory 3
Hatred Rekindled
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
When Revealed: Each enemy engaged with a player makes an immediate attack. Do not deal shadow cards for attacks made by this effect. If no attacks were made by this effect, this card gains surge.
Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack immediately after this one.
Goblins Are Upon You
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
When Revealed: Each player must search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Goblin enemy and put it into play, engaged with him. Then, shuffle the encounter deck. (This effect cannot be canceled.)
Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack for each Goblin enemy engaged with you.
Heedless Of Order
Encounter Set: The Battle of Five Armies
When Revealed: Choose a different quest to be the current quest until the end of the round, if able. If the current quest did not change as a result of this effect, this card gains Doomed 3.
*** Quest Cards ***
Flies and Spiders:
1A/1B Into Mirkwood
1A: Setup: Each player may shuffle 1 copy of Bilbo's Magic Ring into his deck. Search the encounter deck for The Spider's Glade and set it aside, out of play. Then, shuffle the encounter deck and reveal 1 encounter card per player.
1B (9 Quest Points): Unsonscious characters cannot quest, attack, defend, collect resources, trigger abilities, be poisoned, or ready (except by effects that target unconscious characters).
2A/2B Lost In The Dark
2B (- Quest Points): When Revealed: Reveal stage 3 and create a separate staging area for the first player using that stage. Then, all other players advance to stage 4.
3A/3B Captured By Spiders
3A: When Revealed: Remove all resources from each hero's resource pool. Then, make each character you control (except Bilbo Baggins) unconscious.
3B (11 Quest Points): Unconscious characters cannot quest, attack, defend, collect resources, trigger abilities, be poisoned, or ready (except by effects that target unconscious characters).
Do not pass the first player token. When this stage is complete, do not advance to stage 4 until the end of the quest phase. (Combine staging areas if necessary).
Actions: Spend 2 Baggins resources to ready an unconscious character you control.
4A/4B Battle With The Spiders
4A: When Revealed: Add The Spider's Glade to the staging area.
4B (3 Quest Points): Unconscious characters cannot quest, attack, defend, collect resources, trigger abilities, be poisoned, or ready (except by effects that target unconscious characters).
Progress cannot be placed on this stage while The Spider's Glade is in play.
Action: Spend 2 Baggins resources to ready an unconscious character you control.
If the players defeat this stage, they have won the game and discovered the treasure card Bilbo's Magic Ring.
The Lonely Mountain:
1A/1B A Warm Welcome
1A: Setup: Search the encounter deck for Smaug the Golden, Smaug the Magnificent, The Lonely Mountain, and A Bare Patch. Set Smaug the Magnificent and A Bare Patch aside, out of play. Add Smaug the Golden and The Lonely Mountain to the staging area. Shuffle the five Erebor treasure cards and stack them facedown under The Lonely Mountain.
1B (- Quest Points): Skip the Quest Phase.
Forced: At the end of round, advance to stage 2.
2A/2B The Burglar's Turn
2B (- Quest Points): Forced: After questing successfully, place 1 progress on Smaug the Golden. Then, the first player makes a burgle attempt. If successful, the first player takes the top treasure card from under The Lonely Mountain into his hand. Then, the players may advance to stage 3.
Forced: After the first player makes an unsuccessful burgle attempt, Smaug the Golden attacks the first player.
3A/3B Inside Information
3A: When Revealed: Set Smaug the Golden aside, out of play. Add Smaug the Magnificent and A Bare Patch to the staging area.
3B (20 Quest Points): Players cannot defeat this stage while Smaug the Magnificent is in play.
Forced: If the total number of progress tokens on this stage is greater than the total remaining hit points on Smaug the Magnificent, remove Smaug the Magnificent from play.
If the players defeat this stage, they have won the game and discovered any treasure successfully burgled from The Lonely Mountain.
4A/4B Thieves! Fire! Murder!
4A: When Revealed: Remove all progress from Smaug the Golden and set him aside, out of play. Then, add Smaug the Magnificent to the staging area.
4B (7 Quest Points): Forced: After placing the 7th progress token on this stage, remove all damage from Smaug the Magnificent and set him aside, out of play. Then, add Smaug the Golden to the staging area and reset the quest deck to stage 2B.
The Battle of Five Armies:
1A/1B The Gathering of the Clouds
1A: Setup: Search the encounter deck for Bolg and add it to the staging area. Then, shuffle the encounter deck and reveal 1 encounter card per player.
1B (- Quest Points): Put stage 2, stage 3, and stage 4 into play at the same time. Then, remove this stage from play.
2A/2B The Eastern Spur
2B (8 Quest Points): Players cannot advance from this stage unless stage 3 and stage 4 are complete.
Forced: If there is no progress on this stage at the end of the round, each player must discard 1 random card from his hand.
3A/3B Battle In The Dale
3B (8 Quest Points): Players cannot advance from this stage unless stage 2 and stage 4 are complete.
Forced: If there is no progress on this stage at the end of the round, the first player adds the topmost enemy in the discard pile to the staging area, if able.
4A/4B The Defense Of Ravenhill
4B (8 Quest Points): Players cannot advance from this stage unless stage 2 and stage 3 are complete.
Forced: If there is no progress on this stage at the end of the round, each player must discard all resources from each hero's resource pool.
5A/5B The Clouds Burst
5B (- Quest Points): When Revealed: Each player must search the encounter deck and discard pile for a copy of Bodyguard of Bolg and add it to the staging area, if able. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Progress cannot be placed on this stage. While Bolg is in the staging area, it is considered to be engaged with the first player.
If Bolg is destroyed, the players win the game.
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