I just wanted to write some notes where I stand with my Warmachine and Hordes stuff, by faction.
Minions - This is a faction where I currently have a fully assembled and ready to go list pair:
[Theme] Will Work For Food
[Rask 1] Rask [+27]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Swamp Horror [15]
- Gatorman Soul Slave [0(5)]
Bog Trog Mist Speaker [0(4)]
Bone Shrine [2]
Dahlia Hallyr [17]
Gatorman Witch Doctor [4]
Gremlin Swarm [3]
Kwaak Slickspine & Gub, Croak Sorcerers [4]
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor [0(5)]
Rorsh [15]
Wrong Eye [17]
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew [2]
[Theme] The Blindwater Congregation
[Maelok 1] Maelok the Dreadbound [+28]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Bull Snapper [5]
- Gatorman Soul Slave [0(5)]
Bone Shrine [2]
Gatorman Witch Doctor [4]
Thrullg [0(5)]
Thrullg [0(5)]
Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron [5]
Gatorman Posse (max) [16]
Gatorman Posse (max) [16]
Gatorman Posse (max) [16]
Gatorman Posse (max) [16]
The Rask list is in need of some updates- I admit I haven't had much success with it, but I think if I am smart about choosing which list to drop into which scenario, I should be fine, as Maelok can handle most situations. My next steps for this faction (which I may get to this year) is to update the Rask list, and get a playable, decent Jaga-Jaga list. I own a bunch of stuff, much of it assembled, but I have a tremendous gap on the Farrow side of things, but I'll work slowly to correct that, starting with some Farrow caster in WWFF.
Cryx - I'm currently working on a Skarre1 Dark Host list:
[Theme] Dark Host
[Skarre 1] Pirate Queen Skarre [+28]
- Stalker [8]
- Stalker [8]
- Stalker [8]
- Stalker [8]
- Skarlock Thrall [0(4)]
Bane Lord Tartarus [0(6)]
Darragh Wrathe [9]
Scrap Thrall (3) [2]
Scrap Thrall (3) [2]
Bane Knights (max) [15]
- Bane Knight Officer [0(4)]
Bane Riders (min) [12]
Wraith Engine [15]
Wraith Engine [15]
I'm currently assembled the Wraith Engines, and I need to buy the Scrap Thralls, but I've tested the list in a few games, and it seems to play pretty well.
I am unsure what I should do for my second list. I don't have many of the miniatures I would need to play Slaughter Fleet Raiders or Ghost Fleet, and the former seems to be a pretty competitive list. I do have plenty of jacks to play Black Industries, however, so I may just play some random Black Industries list as I buy what I need for Slaughter Fleet. So really, this year, I'm going to finish getting that Skarre1 list fully assembled, and then work on a second list.
Skorne - I haven't really done much work on my Skorne yet, and I don't think 2020 will be the year it gets on the table. If I do, it almost certainly will have to played in Disciples of Agony for some time- I don't have many Immortal related pieces yet, but I suppose I'll have to at some point. I do own a TON of beasts, and a good assortment of the small based infantry. Maybe a Winds of Death list? I don't know. Like I said, not this year.
Circle Orboros - I currently own over 250 points of Circle and have enough that I could do Devourer's Host or The Wild Hunt. So far, I haven't really assembled all that much (just the old Mk1 Battle Box and a Gorax). I would like to get them assembled and give them a try, but I just haven't had time. Maybe next year (i.e., 2021).
Infernals - I am actually interested in trying to field Infernals in 2020. I have enough stuff to run a list (due to various sales I've been taking advantage of), and I'm working to assemble it. It might not be until nearly the end of the year, but by golly, I'm going to run an Infernals army this year!
Cygnar - I have enough stuff to run Storm Division and Heavy Metal, but I would have a ton of assembly to do. Maybe 2021. I really enjoy running Cygnar, but I've got so much to do with the other factions, I just don't have time for them yet.
Convergence of Cyriss - I literally only own two colossals. That's it! Hard to do much with that, haha.
Protectorate of Menoth - At this point, I could almost run a Creator's Might list, but I would need to buy Choir and solos. They are in a good place now, and would be fun to play, but I already have a friend who plays these guys, so not a super high priority.
Retribution of Scyrah - This is an odd one, I'm not really a Ret player at all, but I've accumulated so much stuff for it that I actually could run quite a few lists. I've also just been randomly assembling things. I may drop a list or two this year. Nothing fancy, I'm sure, but I wouldn't say it's impossible.
Mercenaries - These were a faction I played occasionally in Mark II, but with the current theme forces, I don't have enough of anything to actually play this. I'm probably closest to being able to run Llaelese Resistance, but I have no plans to invest more into them at the moment. I also want to run Cephalyx, and have some models for it, but not enough. Someday!
Legion of Everblight - I have the starter box, a few extra beasts, and a few solos. Not enough to run a list, but I've mostly assembled everything I own. My beasts aren't the ones popularly taken, so they may not be that good. Who knows? Who knows when I'll want to spend more money on them, too?
Khador - I own the Mark 1 battle box. That's it. I won't be putting them on the table for years and years. Fortunately, my friend Rob plays them, so I don't feel any rush to get them on the table.
Trollbloods - I won the Mark 1 battle box, and the Mark 3 battle box. We have Matt S and Ben J in my meta who play these guys, so there's no real reason for me to push to assemble and play these guys, either.
Grymkin and Crucible Guard - Ummm... I own the Child, and some solos? No one I know plays them, but I own so little of these factions I can't reasonably start them anytime soon, and I don't think I can assume anyone I know to either.
Anyway, that's where I currently stand. I am going to try to play more this year, and assemble a bunch, so I'd love to be able to say next year that I've made a ton of progress!